
We have created these sheets for you to print and write on and
have a light study/devotional for you do to one day this week below:

Group Questions:

1. Who in your life is contagiously Calm? How?

2. What challenges are testing your gentleness right now? And what strategies have you used to stay calm?

3. How has the antidote of “rejoicing in the Lord always” brought you more peace since last week?

4. Read Exodus 3:7-12. Discuss what fear Moses expressed to God, and How God responded?

5. Again and again in His word God promises to be with us. Think about a time when God’s presence changed you emotionally, spiritually, and/or physically?

6. What are some things that prevent you from not only knowing but also believing that God is near?

7. When have you, like the disciples faced a trial and took actions into your own hands before turning to the Lord?

8. John 16:33 says “Take heart I have overcome the world.” What has Jesus overcome in your personal world?

Pray. Confess. Ask God to help you remember His nearness.

Group Activity:

Put a reminder on your phone as simple as “God is with me or a verse like, Philippians 4:5, “The Lord is Near.”

Resources from Faith Gateway

Verse of the Week:
Philippians 4:5 “Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.”

Key Scriptures:
Exodus 3:7-12
Genesis 15:1
Deuteronomy 31:8
Joshua 1:9
Isaiah 43:2
Galatians 5:22-25
Philippians 2:13
2 Peter 1:3

This Week's Companion Reading: 
Anxious for Nothing Chapters 5
Study Guide Session 2


Songs to Listen to:

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